

新闻链接>>>>>>某西部高管:詹姆斯不会退役 他只是改变话题 人们现在不讨论横扫

B/R记者Eric Pincus就詹姆斯表示自己可能会选择退役一事采访了多位联盟人士。





Haynes:消息源告知 詹姆斯不确定是否回归&考虑退役

詹姆斯考虑退役完整采访 记者:你会退役吗?老詹:我要考虑下

[–]Warriorswithurwife 1173 points 8 hours ago

I watched that entire presser and this is one of the most egregious media fabrications I’ve seen.

He talked a lot about the roster and a bunch of other things and happened to say I’ve got a lot to think about. No fucking way that means retirement. He’s only thinking about where to maximize his championship potential, whether with the Lakers or elsewhere.


[–]CavaliersCruffTheMagicDragon 6 points 7 hours ago

He literally didn’t say anything about retiring wtf


[–]NBAaligreaper19 2277 points 8 hours ago

it gets even weirder when you realize that the media is just CHOOSING to talk about the retirement instead


[–]Tampa Bay RaptorsRaptors2017champs 866 points 8 hours ago

Its not weird at all. This is what they do. They never gives small market teams their flowers, and when they do they announce if like theyre doing everyone a favor instead of their job


[–]LakersLiftHeavyFeels 262 points 7 hours ago

We all know it meant he needs to think about who to trade.


[–]Cavaliersdeformo 147 points 5 hours ago

“I’m trading AD and myself to Portland. What? No no. Dame is staying. Lakers get 7 firsts and weird strains of weed.”



[–]CavaliersRevolutionary_Gear70 4374 points 8 hours ago

LeBron spent half the interview giving nothing but praise to Jokic and the Nuggets. It's not his fault sports media sucks ass and decided to only talk about him


[–]dpark128 -4 points 5 hours ago

agreed but he wanted to make the point at the very end that he needed to think about a lot of stuff. I don't blame him. He played all but 4 secs in that game and had no one to help him close that game.


[–][LAL] LeBron JamesImjustANewSneaker 2 points 2 hours ago

Is he supposed to lie about it when they ask him what his plans are? He pretty much said “ I don’t know” which is the best answer to give when you aren’t sure


[–]RocketsAggressive-Ad-756 120 points 8 hours ago

It is crazy for a 38 years man to consider retirement after playing 48 minutes while injured?


[–]NBAPnG_e 57 points 8 hours ago

*Player in year 20 discusses retirement after brutal season exit

"Hey let's shit on him"




[–]jharbiid 9 points 8 hours ago

He’s been constantly talking about his son for years and there’s no chance he wouldn’t want a year long retirement tour



[–][LAL] Sasha Vujacicnysraved 71 points 8 hours ago*

He also recently backtracked on the idea of playing with his son , emphasizing that while it was HIS dream to play with his son, that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s his son’s dream.

It’s quite possible Bronny told him he’d rather carve out his own path, and now Lebron is less motivated to keep going.


[–]WarriorsCalifornie_cramoisie 35 points 7 hours ago

Or we've just all been assuming LeBron was talking about Bronny, when really he was talking about Bryce the whole time.


[–]LakersCallecian_427 8 points 6 hours ago

He’s going to be 39 for the majority of next season. With all the reported scar tissue in his ankles I’d be more surprised if he didn’t at least consider quality of life after basketball at this point.


[–]hatisbackwards 15 points 7 hours ago

blaming lebron for what the media talks about. Lmfao


[–]Otherwise_Form1315 22 points 8 hours ago

Guy is fucking 38 and has injuries he'll be dealing with for a while now. It' so weird how much we take for granted that dude could just want to go home.


[–]LakersRandom10187 6 points 6 hours ago

They act like lebron is the one driving the media narrative. the media can talk about denver if they want and ignore lebron. it’s their job. and the amount of shit takes about him on twitter just shows people like to talk about him, mostly his haters, and then complain about it.


[–]Competitive_Office91 41 points 8 hours ago

LeBron gets asked questions. He answers them. The media ALWAYS controls the narrative. Always.


[–]Cavalierscombat101 3 points 8 hours ago

jesus this dude just can't catch a break


[–]Happy_rich_mane 2 points 8 hours ago

Lebron=views=ratings=earnings all you need to know

球迷:老詹=点击率=流量=钱 懂吗?

