12月31日勇士vs骑士赛前 科尔完整采访 勇士今日主场迎战“经典对手”骑士,主教练科尔赛前接受了采访,小吧为大家整理了采访的完整内容。 Q:What kind of nuance goes into ATO late game, situational execution coming out of a timeout? 问:暂停后的关键时刻战术执行中,有哪些细节需要注意? Kerr:Yeah, I mean, it varies. It’s generally situational. What are you trying to do? Are you trying to get two-for-one, or going for two or three? Some stuff we practice, and other stuff we might just draw up on the fly if we see an opportunity. Our players are generally good at executing plays right off the board without practice. Sometimes you need plays for specific scenarios, like when the other team has a foul to give. There are many variables involved. 科尔:这取决于具体的情况。比如你是想抓两攻一防,还是选择投两分或三分?有些战术我们练过,而有些可能是我们即兴画出的,如果发现可以利用的机会。我们的球员通常能够很好地执行没有练习过的战术。有时需要针对特定场景的战术,比如对方还有一次犯规权。这其中涉及很多变量。 Q:Is there any update, or any sense of how long Brandin will be out? 问:关于波杰姆的伤病恢复,有没有最新消息或估计他会缺席多久? Kerr:It’s not bad. The MRI was clear, and he stayed today, which is great. Abdominal strains can keep guys out for a while, but this one doesn’t seem too bad. 科尔:情况不算太糟,核磁共振显示一切正常,他今天也留队了,这很不错。腹部拉伤通常会让球员缺席一段时间,但这次似乎并不严重。 Q:What were the markers in your first season coaching the Warriors that made you believe this team could take big steps right away? 问:在你执教勇士队的第一个赛季,有哪些标志性时刻让你觉得这支球队可以迅速取得突破? Kerr:It was obvious almost right away that we had a hell of a team. They were already a top-five defense the previous year with a lethal backcourt. The biggest thing was convincing the players that we didn’t need to go through years of heartbreak to win a championship. 科尔:几乎一开始就很明显,我们有一支非常强大的队伍。他们上一赛季已经是联盟前五的防守队伍,并且拥有致命的后场(水花兄弟)。最大的挑战是让球员相信,我们不需要经历多年的失望才能赢得冠军。 Q:You’ve talked about Jonathan Kuminga’s performance recently. What’s changed for him? 问:关于乔纳森-库明加最近的表现,你怎么看?他有哪些改变? Kerr:JK has been going crazy the last two games. He’s a phenomenal talent and an unbelievable athlete. When he’s locked in, nobody can guard him. He’s becoming a rising star. 科尔:库明加在过去两场比赛中表现非常出色。他是一个天赋异禀的球员,运动能力非凡。当他全神贯注时,联盟中没有人能防住他。他正在成为一颗冉冉升起的新星。 Q:Draymond Green recently moved into third place on the franchise’s all-time three-point list. Did you envision this when you started coaching him? 问:德雷蒙德-格林最近升至球队历史三分榜第三名。你在刚开始执教他时,预想到他会有这样的成就吗? Kerr:No, I wouldn’t have guessed. But he’s adapted his game over the years and shown confidence in his shooting, which is remarkable. 科尔:没有,我当时不会想到。但多年来他适应了比赛,并在投篮方面展现了信心,这非常值得称赞。 Q:How important is it for young players like Kuminga and others to step up and become core contributors? 问:像库明加这样的年轻球员成为核心贡献者有多重要? Kerr:It’s huge. This is a young man’s game. You need a young core to compete. I feel better about our young group now than ever before. 科尔:非常重要。这是一项属于年轻人的运动。你需要一个年轻的核心阵容来竞争。我现在对我们的年轻球员群体感到前所未有的满意。 Q:Reflecting on the Warriors-Cavs rivalry, what sticks with you? 问:回顾勇士与骑士的竞争,有什么让你印象深刻的地方? Kerr:It’ll go down as this era’s version of Lakers-Celtics. The star power, epic performances, and signature moments will be remembered for years. 科尔:这将成为这个时代的湖人与凯尔特人之争。球星阵容、史诗级的表现和标志性时刻将被人们铭记多年。 Q:What do you think about Kenny Atkinson’s success with Cleveland and the influence you had on him? 问:你如何看待肯尼-阿特金森在克利夫兰取得的成功,以及你对他的影响? Kerr:I’m happy for him. Kenny’s a great guy, and he brought so much to us when he was here. He’s a phenomenal coach, and I’m glad he waited for the right opportunity instead of jumping into a lesser one. 科尔:我为他感到高兴。肯尼是个很棒的人,他在这里时为我们做出了很多贡献。他是一位出色的教练,我很高兴他选择等待合适的机会,而不是随便接受一个不那么好的职位。 Q:How important is buy-in from your best player when you take over as head coach? 问:在担任主教练时,获得核心球员的认可有多重要? Kerr:It’s crucial. I was lucky with Steph. He’s very trusting, and we built a strong relationship quickly. Coaching is about collaboration, and Steph made that easy. 科尔:非常重要。我很幸运有斯蒂芬-库里。他非常信任我,我们很快建立了牢固的关系。执教是一种合作,而斯蒂芬让这一切变得很容易。 |
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